Alice Waters' Culinary Tour

2 giorni / 158 miglia / 4 ore 25 minuti

"Alice Waters' vision for local, organic, sustainable food continues to change and challenge the way we think about what we put in our bodies. True to this vision her tour of California eating focuses on foods hat stay close to the source, ending with dinner at her own Chez Panisse." - Trip 88 of USA's Best Trips (Regional Travel Guide) by Sara Benson, Amy Balfour, Alison Bing, Jennifer Denniston, Lisa Dunford, Alex Leviton, David Ozanich, Danny Palmerlee, Brandon Presser, Karla Zimmerman.

Photo by JaGa: The Ferry Building is a terminal for ferries on the San Francisco Bay and an upscale shopping center located on The Embarcadero in San Francisco, California. The Bay Bridge can be seen in the background.

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