AR22_02.26: Busters | Hwy 175 - Alt

un giorno / 360 miglia / 8 ore

This year I hope to ride the Southern California Motorcycling Association 2022 CA Best 15 Roads. I'm starting with Hwy 175 from Hopland to Calistoga. Join me for what should be a run and beautiful ride.

Meet at the Old Well Cafe in Drytown. Stop by at 8 if you would like to grab breakfast or a cup of coffee. We'll head out around 9 AM. Anyone wanting a more westerly pick up, let me know and we can arrange something for the Chevron in West Sac.

To accommodate daylight hours, we'll take the quickest route to Hopland...up 101. By the time we get to Hopland we'll be ready for some fun, and we'll transition to Hwy 175. Once arriving in Calistoga, the planned lunch stop will be a Busters Southern BBQ where they have outdoor seating. The route home will stay on back roads through Berryessa and Winters...jumping back on the highway between Dixon and Davis. I'll arrive back in the Sutter Creek area near sunset.

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