
un giorno / 259 miglia / 6 ore 2 minuti

Join me for a ride from Roseville to Placerville -- the 260 mile route!! (This ride will have long and short route options -- you choose.)

At our June SRC breakfast it was suggested we get outta Dodge and redo that breakfast-in-Truckee thing for the July Sacramento Road Cruisers Monthly Meeting, and then hang out at higher elevations for a while. ...And so that's the plan.

The last time we headed up the hill to do this, we left at 6:30AM. Realizing that not everyone enjoys watching the sun come up while they ride to the meetup spot -- LOL -- I've moved this one up to 8:00. Kick stands up at 8:15. The morning route is pretty much a run up the hill with a stop in Dutch Flat, looking to make a 10:30 brunch time at Jax Truckee Diner.

[Short route option] For those who would prefer a shorter ride and a shorter route, you are very welcome to boogie right back down the hill after brunch.

[Longer route option] After enjoying eats and a leg stretch, we'll head toward the lake on Hwy 267. At Incline Village, we'll head for the hills again on Mt. Rose Hwy, passing through Virginia City , skirting around Carson City, taking a short break in Indian Hills. We'll continue along the base of the eastern Sierras for a few miles, then head up to Carson Pass and Tragedy Springs.

Mormon Emigrant Trail opened in late June, and I invite you to join me in my first pass of MET in 2017. Riding through Sly Park, Pleasant Valley, and Newtown, we'll eventually end up in Placerville, where we will end the day's ride at the Hangman's Tree Ice Cream Saloon.

Let's ride!

Bob K, Road Captain
Sacramento Road Cruisers

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